
CyberZen Fridays 10.09.20

The enemy of a free mind is control. For cyberpunks, cypherpunks, and all free-roaming minds in cyberspace, decentralization through cryptocurrency, blockchains, and net neutrality are key elements in securing a future built on freedom for the individual.

For a great deep dive on ideas regarding whether or not true decentralization is possible in our cyberized sphere, please check out the thoughts put down by TayloredContentLLC.

Our own BCB Cyberized reflection for a Friday full of free-range musings…

For an individual to be truly free to create the person they want to be on their own terms, they must be willing to be the monster. They must be willing to take on and wrestle with their own fears. They must be free thinkers and have access to free information.

As always, we thank you for joining our CyberZen Fridays, and hope you come back soon for more great content! To discover more pure inspiration and entertainment to keep us passionate about our tech lives, check out our Cyber-Play page.