
Bullz or Bearz??? & MORE!!!


Welcome back, everyone. The workweek was shit; we all know that, but hey, the weekend is here and it’s time to cyberize…

Rough week in crypto, we are in for the swings though. What’s important is the exposure… with things going Wyld in our current financial world with the potential for Naz-t inflation and the fed printer goin’ brrrrrrrr-, everyone talked crypto. I’d say that’s a win! It’s perspective & chill time.

If Elon didn’t bolt, and China didn’t try to undermine Bitcoin for its own devious power moves, who knows where we could be. Just the beginning though folks. ETH and Alts here we come. Research, learn, lock, and HODL y’all!

Givin’ a big shout-out for the request on QYLD in our BULLZ or BEARZ??? segment last week. QYLD piqued our interest as something we hadn’t thought of, an EFT playin’ out Callz on Nasdaq’s Tech World, as such it will be our Div-Payer Cover next month!

ThanX to the UZERs!

Just in case you missed the chance to submit for the tech company you want to be analyzed here at BCB Cyber, we want you to know there is always time. Each and every month we offer up the opportunity. For June 2021 we have yet to decide on our growth stock to analyze and our Mega-Cap. So if you are dying to know more, let us know! Check it out below and send us your pick.

Enjoy your hours lost in cyberland and see you next time on BCB Cyber!