
What is the latest in cyberpunk gear?

Each Thursday we bring you great, new, potential additions to your high-tech, low-life arsenal! We always help answer the question, What is the latest in cyberpunk gear?


Raspberry Pi!

This week we offer three unique opportunities to explore new cyber-fuel for our lives in gear:

We begin with the greatest computing invention for the masses ever created. An ultra-low-cost computing solution that allows for learning, flexibility, and development all at super low costs for everyone. What could be more cyberpunk than giving the power of the hack to the masses at a cost they can bear? Learning is Living. Get into it!

Thanks Raspberry Pi

As BCB Cyber loves above all else the ability to do it for ourselves, we love following NetworkChuck on YouTube and found one of his best that gets you going with hacking tools on a raspberry pi.

Thanks NetworkChuck

And finally, for the latest in gear on this Cyber-Thursday, building skills on this platform is easier than ever as the resources are more accessible than ever. Getting started, the Raspberry Pi site offers some incredible intro material. And for the more advanced, diving deeper into the materials offered by NetworkChuck is a great, fun way to go!

Just so you know, we are not sponsored by any of the above products, companies, or organizations. We just love to share the coolest gear out there to cyberize and self-make our worlds!

If however, you are ready to get started and want to help support BCB Cyber along your own journey, please consider getting your own Raspberry Pi, supercharged with a cool old school gamer pack, using our Amazon affiliate link: Raspberry Pi Retro Gaming Kit (#Commissions Earned). Come back soon and to check out more in Cyber-Gear follow this link!