
OUR CYBER-WISDOM: Cybersecurity, Evaluating Our Own Situation

How can we protect ourselves online? How do we ensure our data is secured and only trusted parties gain access? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer and there is nothing that is 100% foolproof, but there are actions we can take to protect ourselves.

Chapter 1: Understanding Cyber-Risk (11.04.20)

This week we begin very simply, in order to assess risk we must ascertain how our information might become vulnerable: that is to say, the potential attack surfaces.

The graphic above illustrates a very simple concept. We need to look at the different potential attack surfaces, including all the software we use on different devices in our lives, take inventory, and examine and think about the potential ways we are exposed. Anything that connects us to a network (including social media connections and home networks) in any way, at any time, needs to be considered. This includes the people in our lives!

Creating complete, written lists can be invaluable in protecting our information and gearing our mindset for developing a plan of attack for ourselves. Though simple, it is very much the first step in protecting ourselves. As we always talk about doing our homework in Wealth, we need to do our homework in wisdom too. We don’t know what to protect or how to protect it, if we don’t know what we are protecting.

Make sure to come back in next week and learn our next step, building our own I.C.E. For more Cyber-Fuel on Wisdom, please check out our dedicated section on the subject.


OUR CYBER-WISDOM: Cybersecurity, Evaluating Our Own Situation

The buzz about cybersecurity is all around us. Just last week, we saw another well-known company get hit! In that linked report, we learned that the breached company started with an announcement that there was a “system failure,” but quickly announced that it was in fact cyberattackers behind the incident that caused Point-of-Sale outtages, libraries to be wiped according to customers, and customer data to potentially have been leaked! Other than restoring services and stipulating warnings in emails that went out to those whose information may have been breached, little assistance was offered to those customers.

With activity like this going on every day across the world, how can we possibly as individuals protect our cyber-lives? How can we make sure that our data is secured and only trusted parties gain access? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer and there is nothing that is 100% foolproof, but there are actions we can take to protect ourselves.

Introducing a 3-Part Series:

While we are dedicating a whole section of our site to cybersecurity as a field in its own right, we begin with how we as individuals can better prepare ourselves in light of our own cybersecurity situation. With new stories coming to light each and every day, it’s on each one of us to move forward and do what we can to protect ourselves.

Chapter 1: Understanding Cyber-Risk (11.04.20)

Understanding risk and engaging that knowledge can help empower us to be better protected as individuals. Join us to learn how we can each uncover lurking data dangers in our own lives and explore what we can do about them.

Chapter 2: I.C.E. Part One (11.11.20)

In William Gibson’s novels Burning Chrome and Neuromancer (#CommissionsEarned), he introduced us to a “technology” known as Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (ICE). ICE, itself, refers to “security programs which protect computerized data from being accessed by hackers.” While we may not have ICE yet, there are actions we can take to build our own version. In this section, we begin that discussion, and discuss the basic elements of creating our own ICE.

Chapter 3: I.C.E. Part Two (11.18.20)

In ICE part two, we dive deeper. In this chapter, we will explore privacy specifically and examine some of the best tips and tricks to help keep us protected.

Make sure to come back in November to join us for this exciting new series. For more Cyber-Fuel on Wisdom, please check out our dedicated section on the subject.


Concerning Fear Over Artificial Intelligence


Should we fear artificial intelligence?

While there is a great debate about whether or not we should be afraid of Artificial Intelligence, BCB Cyber believes deeply that if we overindulge in that debate we miss the point. More importantly, we miss the opportunity. Artificial Intelligence is the next step, a representation of human consciousness in the next phase of our evolution as a species. More importantly, it is the quintessential disruptive technology for which it contains within it the possibility to impact every industry and every facet of our lives. Instead of arguing, studying, learning, and engaging each other about the best ways to capture the possibilities within the technology itself, is a better use of our time.

Check out our BCB Cyber Wisdom page to see what other topics we seek to explore in the future and don’t miss our most recent explorations into Artificial Intelligence and other topics in disruptive innovation with our Wisdom Blog Category.


Tech MeetUp with AI: Pondering Application

To say that we can provide “all you need to know,” in one article about artificial intelligence is akin to saying you can learn all you need to know about a person from a single conversation. Even the hiring process in the corporate world requires applications, resumes, cover letters, multiple interviews, and the like.

Our approaches then are a little different, meandering even, in the attempt to draw a better picture and bridge a greater degree of understanding in each disruptive technology we explore. This is also why we choose to educate and entertain through infographics, you know those pictures with information written on them in the attempt to convey an idea or two. Always citing our sources too, even when minimally used, we love to share info. We would be remiss not to mention our love for the dummies presentation of Artificial Intelligence (#CommissionsEarned).

10.14.20 Graphic 3 –

Having covered both a basic understanding of AI as data and relationships, and the five human (tribalistic) approaches to understanding and creating AI, we now turn our musings toward the ways in which AI is currently applied to our world.

Efficiency in Automation

AI is boosting the capacity of automation like never before. With the introduction of artificial intelligence, automation creates the opportunity to handle the unexpected. No where is this embodied more than in the automated vehicle movement initiated and championed by Tesla!

Complex Analytics

Analytics is the most easily identified and readily available opportunity in artificial intelligence. The field of medicine has seen an explosion of this impact in the analysis of medical imaging.

Another field that has been forever changed is product economics from marketing to distribution. Even the soda industry growing with freestyle soda machines is now wholly linked to the machine learning and predictive AI models produced by companies like Alteryx.

Digital Media

We all know about the much-touted advances in CGI and the production of big Hollywood films and blockbuster video games. However, AI is deeply impacting all forms of digital media. Traditional news reporting is even discovering the opportunity for advancement. New story developments are sought in entirely new ways as “AI can help the news-gathering process itself.

Resource Scheduling

Reducing complexity and increasing the streamlined nature of workflows and distribution channels, AI is altering many long-standing business models. In the medical profession, hospitals use Artificial Intelligence to place patients, particularly in times of increased patient inflows. In engineering and construction trades, AI is used to help reorganize and more efficiently structure daily allocations of resources to different projects, adjust on site work flows and plan and then replan for the most effective outcomes. For a fantastic, while paper on the latter follow this link!

Pattern Tracking

Detecting unusual activity by pattern tracking in our financial accounts is a perfectly suited task for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Be they big banks or credit card companies this tool has become synonymous with the financial industry.

Built on a number of well recognized analytical models such as transaction profiles, collaborative profiles, merchant profiles, and user-defined profiles, these tools allow for the anticipation of “individual behaviors and the execution of fraud detection strategies at scale.” If you happened to skip over it, the link presented in the previous sentence is a white paper created by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) that provides an excellent white paper to help us understand the principles in applying these technologies for problems like fraud detection.

Customer Service

Bot agents that quickly and diligently respond to customer issues, collecting customer data and tailoring experiences to unique clients, and using machine learning to drive reward programs are all directing the customer service in the 21st century. All of these elements combine in the most unique way to “improve customer loyalty and brand reputation, and enable employees to focus on higher-value tasks that provide greater returns” stated one Forbes article in 2019.


Ensuring the safety of the workforce has long been a goal in today’s companies. To these ends, AI is being enabled so that rates of human error are diminished, dangerous tasks no longer place humans in harms way, location tracking, and even ending workplace harassment are all lauded as goals in one ProSapien article on the subject.

Like this article? Check out our BCB Cyber Wisdom page to see what other topics we seek to explore in the future.


Tech MeetUp with AI: Human Tribalization

What are the 5 tribes of artificial intelligence? How do they relate to one another? How is each one disparate from one another? For the average user in cyberspace we’ve heard all the hype, but do we really know what AI is? Its time we break it down and provide the cyber-fuel we need for a little understanding.

Join us in our Wisdom Series where we explore all the latest in disruptive tech for the common user formulated with easily digestible, straightforward chunks. We begin with Meet AI, a user-focused graphic series built on understanding the basics in the field. As AI may very well be the most disruptive technology in the course of human history, it is where we begin.

10.7.20 Graphic 2 –

Understanding AI Means Breaking Down the Human Approaches to AI

Understanding AI means coming to terms with Human approaches to problem-solving and being in the world.

Humanity’s approach to creating machine learning and artificial intelligence comes from a variety of academic fields from statistics to neuroscience. Each provides the opportunity to build on intelligence from a unique human viewpoint. This includes a root origin, or academic field from which the theories are derived, and a problem-solving approach linked to that root origin, that which the approach relies on for its machine learning models, the reliance if you will.

In the graphic above, we illustrate the five human tribes of an intellectual approach regarding how intelligence can be related to machines. As Formtek notes, the discussion is based on the work of Pedro Domingo, the five tribes are recognized to be symbolists, connectionists, evolutionists, bayesians, and analogizers. For Pedro’s work specifically, please refer to this link.

In Artificial Intelligence for dummies, the ultimate goal of these five tribes is to blend the rigor of human intelligence, as personified in these five tribes, bringing together all the strategies and technologies of each, to form one approach (#CommissionsEarned). For a broader discussion on each of the five frameworks see this dummies link.

Synopsizing from dummiesArtificial Intelligence again, one singular, master algorithm known as the singularity that can learn anything and problem solve as a human being can is the ultimate goal. Despite this, as we so often find ourselves in this human experience called life, the more we learn the more we realize we don’t know. The same is true here and even bringing together the five tribes may not be enough to truly replicate human intelligence at this point in time.

So in the end, we humans have created a number of ways to understand intelligence. More specifically, we have created five tribes of thought regarding how we might enable machine learning toward true general intelligence. The five, as presented here, are the foremost in academic thought, and each present a problem solving means to be used in artificial intelligence that have been tested and argued over for decades, even centuries.

So now we have our homework, to think about, reflect on, and consider the possibilities for these five approaches? What are their limitations? What are their possibilities? How might a union among all five be achieved? Share with a comment below and get the conversation going!


Tech MeetUp with AI: Data & Relationships

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Where did it come from? Why is there so much hype around AI? For the average user in cyberspace we’ve heard all the hype, but do we really know what it is? Its time we break it down and provide the fuel a little understanding.

Join us in our Wisdom Series where we explore all the latest in disruptive tech for the common user in digestible, straightforward chunks. We begin with Meet AI, a user-focused graphic series built on understanding the basics in the field. As AI may very well be the most disruptive technology in the course of human history, it is where we begin.

Understanding AI Means Breaking Down Our Own Relationship with Data

Understanding AI means coming to terms with the Interplay between reason, thought, action, and even our own humanity.

As humanity has begun to break down the doors to understanding intelligence, more specifically assessing when it is possible to describe a machine as intelligent, we’ve wrestled with a true definition beyond a blend of science and engineering. This is a puzzle that has occupied the minds of AI researchers for decades. Over time, four different pictures have emerged in the approach to understanding AI.

In the graphic above, we illustrate these four main approaches or ways to define AI. These also represent differing goals in the current field of AI research as illustrated (in the orientations/applications listed). The interplay above also reflects four possibilities when imputed in the real-world: thinking human, acting human, thinking rationally, and acting rationally.

In the four possibilities, each relates how the information the universe has to offer (data) is sought, acquired, and processed (general intelligence). Each of these courses of understanding has yielded beneficial insight in this regard. And overcoming the differences in these four approaches to this relationship with data will yield the ultimate result and create beings that are no longer separate from us. But for our purposes, we pause here to reflect.

How do we truly conceive intelligence? What is the right blend of these four elements? What should our relationship to data be? How should we blend action, thought, reason, and humanity (emotion)? Is there a correct answer?

So now we have our homework, to think about, reflect on, and consider the possibilities? How should these elements be used in creating intelligent machines? Share with a comment below and get the conversation going!