
Our Cyber Wealth: TECH Stock Review on T3TB, 10.05.20

T3TB: Top Three Tech Buys

What does Wealth mean for us? What would we become if money didn’t rule our lives? Who would we choose to be? How can technology transform our lives in Wealth?

Join BCB Cyber every Monday as we seek to provide the Cyber-Fuel necessary for each of us to answer these questions and so much more. Here is where we review the best, current opportunities as we see them in our portfolio to help build wealth in disruptive technology.

A Monthly Platform, Every Monday: Top Buys in Tech Growth, Mega-Cap, and Dividend Plays!

Each and every month we bring to you the best buys in disruptive tech. First Monday of the Month we announce the best three in the BCB Cyber portfolio. Join and share in the discussion, for all ideas are better when tested against the torrent of the masses.

On the second Monday, we dive right in with the month’s best growth stock in disruptive tech. This could be a great projected growth rate, a phenomenal new tech to consider, and weigh opinion on or more!

On the third Monday of the month, we hack a Mega-Cap. We’ll dive deep and explore these companies through a variety of metrics to makes sure we tear apart the story and get to the heart of the opportunity.

On the fourth and final Monday of the month, we bring tech-balance. It is here where we provide a discussion on the opportunity to further fuel our growth capacity. We dive deep into disruptive tech dividend plays. We explore how they can become a passive income source, that helps pay us while we sleep to tech-fuel our waking lives!

October 2020

This is the TECH Stock Review: T3TB for 10.05.20

BCB Cyber-Fuel on Wealth for October 2020. Metrics for each stock are summarized and critically reflected here from Yahoo! Finance.

Make sure to come back every Monday this month as we explore each one of these stocks. And remember, TECH Stock Review: T3TB comes back to start each and every month!

For more Cyber-Fuel on Wealth, please check out our dedicated section on the subject.


CyberFuel W/E Bonus: CP Character Insights for Defining Identity

The world of Cyberpunk (CP) narrative offers a great deal of potential insight into the exploration of technology in our lives. One of the most unique aspects of those stories includes an analysis and evaluation of what makes us human in the first place. Join us in the weeks ahead as we explore a unique set of stories and offer our Cyberized take on well-known characters and archetypes regarding how they can inform our journey to self-define our own identities in a tech-fueled world!

Images Used Under Fair Use Conditions for this Blog, Attributions for the Above:

(Faith) Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus in The Matrix. Graphic from IMDB. Original Publisher: Warner Brothers, Original Date: Unknown,

(Hope) Michael Biehn as Kyle Rees in The Terminator. Graphic from Wikipedia. Original Publisher: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Original Publication Date: 1984,

(Identity) Rosa Salazar as Alita in Alita: Battle Angel. Graphic from Original Publisher: 20th Century Fox, Original Date: Unknown,

(Loyalty) Molly Millions (Character) from William Gibson’s Neuromancer. Art from Deviant Art. Artist: AspectusFuturus. March 28, 2010,


CyberZen Fridays 10.02.20

Will AI take over the world? We’ve heard it for years now from all the major news sources in 2017, in 2018, in 2019, and yes in 2020?

The question though is misguided. As we seek to redefine our cyber-selves, we should be asking better questions.

Today’s Thought…

For those wishing to dive further down the rabbit hole and go beyond the question of “Will AI take over the world,” we suggest two great articles: Who Will Win the Race for AI? published by and The Welfare State Is Committing Suicide by Artificial Intelligence published by

While the answers may be wide and ranging, one thing is for certain. As informed and engaged users, we should all seek to learn from each other every day about the technological changes facing our world. Better yet, become critical contributors to the discussion! Share and reflect below!

A final thought, though we are neither sponsored by nor directly endorse anyone, we love the idea that a free people should not only think for themselves but should be able to discuss and create new tools for each other to build upon and hash over.

With this in mind, we’d love to share a link for Canva. We use it. It is free to use for individuals and small teams; we love the idea that our community has yet one more way to express themselves and design their digital worlds. Signing up and using Canva will aid both our causes and continue to give us yet another outlet to help fuel our Cyber passions.

As always, we thank you for joining our CyberZen Fridays, and hope you come back soon for more great content! To discover more pure inspiration and entertainment to keep us passionate about our tech lives, check out our Cyber-Play page.


Tech MeetUp with AI: Data & Relationships

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Where did it come from? Why is there so much hype around AI? For the average user in cyberspace we’ve heard all the hype, but do we really know what it is? Its time we break it down and provide the fuel a little understanding.

Join us in our Wisdom Series where we explore all the latest in disruptive tech for the common user in digestible, straightforward chunks. We begin with Meet AI, a user-focused graphic series built on understanding the basics in the field. As AI may very well be the most disruptive technology in the course of human history, it is where we begin.

Understanding AI Means Breaking Down Our Own Relationship with Data

Understanding AI means coming to terms with the Interplay between reason, thought, action, and even our own humanity.

As humanity has begun to break down the doors to understanding intelligence, more specifically assessing when it is possible to describe a machine as intelligent, we’ve wrestled with a true definition beyond a blend of science and engineering. This is a puzzle that has occupied the minds of AI researchers for decades. Over time, four different pictures have emerged in the approach to understanding AI.

In the graphic above, we illustrate these four main approaches or ways to define AI. These also represent differing goals in the current field of AI research as illustrated (in the orientations/applications listed). The interplay above also reflects four possibilities when imputed in the real-world: thinking human, acting human, thinking rationally, and acting rationally.

In the four possibilities, each relates how the information the universe has to offer (data) is sought, acquired, and processed (general intelligence). Each of these courses of understanding has yielded beneficial insight in this regard. And overcoming the differences in these four approaches to this relationship with data will yield the ultimate result and create beings that are no longer separate from us. But for our purposes, we pause here to reflect.

How do we truly conceive intelligence? What is the right blend of these four elements? What should our relationship to data be? How should we blend action, thought, reason, and humanity (emotion)? Is there a correct answer?

So now we have our homework, to think about, reflect on, and consider the possibilities? How should these elements be used in creating intelligent machines? Share with a comment below and get the conversation going!


OUR CYBER-HEALTH: Gamification

What does gamification mean for our health? How does this apply today? What role does technology have to play? These are just a few of the questions we should be asking ourselves as the companies we work for and our health care systems look to add the “benefit” of game-based incentives and competitive/collaborative elements to our daily lives.

Introducing a 3-Part Series: Gamification & HealthTech – Cyber-Fuel for Beginners

Gamification itself refers simply to the notion that game elements are added to real-life scenarios to derive added “benefit;” such as expanded engagement. Investopedia continues the definition stating that it specifically takes advantage of the tendencies of human beings toward: “competition, achievement, collaboration, and charity.”

While this much-touted movement is just beginning to impact our workplaces and health care plans, we should take a pause and reflect a critical eye on the possibilities that come with it. While this movement may seem simple and harmless, can we really turn a blind eye to such things?  Gamification needs to be engaged and discussed critically as it continues to become an increasingly manipulative element in our world with positive and negative potential consequences. We need to be informed and critical users if we are to be free to define ourselves.

In this three-part Cyber-Health series, we will be Cyberizing this content as follows:

Chapter 1: In Fiction (10.06.20)

How has gamification been explored in Cyberpunk? Who are the protagonists in fiction and how do they react to a gamified world? How is technology employed in health gamification in these made-up worlds? And finally, what lessons can we draw to better inform ourselves from these worlds?

Chapter 2: Gamification Today (10.13.20)

Why Gamification matters to us today as it just begins entry into our lives? First in reality tv, then health, next banking?

Chapter 3: Our Role in a Gamified HealthTech World (10.20.20)

What does a gamified Health world look like today? How can we inform ourselves to be good critical users? What are some simple tips we can use to make sure the HealthTech and Gamification methods employed work for us in a way that we decide? We are the users, only we can stand up for ourselves.

Make sure to come back in October to join us for this exciting new series. For more Cyber-Fuel on Health, please check out our dedication section on the subject.


Cyber-Zen Fridays 09.25.20

Looking for Inspiration??? If we are looking for cyberized inspiration for the digital age we find ourselves in, BCB Cyber is the place.

Today’s Thought…

High Tech is not for the very wealthy alone, it should be a given that all people have the rights and responsibilities of Tech! Every Friday, BCB Cyber’s Play Blog posts are our source of inspiration, entertainment, and play in tech for all. On Fridays, we wax and wane philosophical, but mostly play. Because this site is for us, the masses, we need something different. So we play in tech and cyberpunk.

We thank you for joining our initial Play post on Cyber-Zen Fridays, and hope you come back soon for more great content! To discover more about pure inspiration and entertainment to keep us passionate about our tech lives, check out our Cyber-Play page.


The Future is Now

The future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.

-William Gibson, Paramount Mind in Cyberpunk & Author of the Sprawl Trilogy

Good day to us all, the masses out there looking for cyber-fuel! We are in the right place. Today is the beginning of our journey together. While we are young, our community can be powerful when we join together and build our individuality by infusing the right elements of disruptive tech into our lowly lives!

For those of us who don’t realize it, the world cyberpunk predicted in the latter part of the 20th century has arrived. Perhaps William Gibson put it best, “The future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”

Our goal at BCB Cyber LLC is to make that second part a reality. By daily dives into a wide world of technological disruption, we can learn together how to overlay tech onto our lives and empower our ability to define who we want to be.

We are glad you joined us today, our first in public existence, and look forward to providing each other with the cyber-fuel we need in our modern lives. Check out our site and let us know what you think. We’re upgrading and looking for new tech all the time so let us know any comments and/or questions you may have. We are here to help!