
Cyber-Health defines our individuality and sense of enhanced physical well-being through hi-tech and disruptive innovation.

“If you zoom out into the future, and you look back, and you ask the question, ‘What was Apple’s greatest contribution to mankind?’ It will be about health.”

-Tim Cook, Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer

Swallowing the Pill: Futurism, Cyber-Health, & Personal Data

Big Brother is watching. Only big brother is everyone else in society; including ourselves. Black hat hackers sell our personal health data in underground digital tunnels. Corporate America wants to monitor and monetize our every heartbeat. As a result, the very data our body produces is now available at every turn. Our Cyber-Health is at once an opportunity and a risk.

Therefore, it’s time to get ahead. We can take back our individualism with a combination of knowledge, technology, and physical health. By using technology to hack our understanding of our own bodies, control our own data, and develop our own health, we can enhance and self-define our future. In this way, we will not be a victim of circumstance and instead can re-define who we are. Ultimately, we create who we want to be.

However, tech can only help us if we are willing to interact with it. We need to make it part of our lives and commit to staying involved with, and where possible, ahead of it. By sticking to this short set of principles, we can see incredible results. Body Mods & Monitors, Robotics & Body Augmentation, and Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence are just a few ways in which we can enhance our personal lives in health with technology. Join us and empower your Health.

Cyber-Health: Body Mods & Monitors

Body Modifications (Mods) and Monitors are incredible tools for our Cyber-Health. In order to learn more about ourselves, edit our physical style, and gain control over our bio-lives, we need to learn about and employ them the best we can.

Best of tech today includes health trackers, wearables, and bio-sensors. Our daily biorhythms are being monitored; its time we use this tech to enrich and better understand our own lives.

(Image by Виктория Бородинова from Pixabay)

Cyber-Health: Robotics & Body Augmentation

Human 2.0 as a field is drawing us closer to creating brain/body improvements as part of the body itself. One specific example of this is the neural link with robotic limbs.

The field of robotics and body augmentation is moving at a rapid pace. Not only are we gaining the ability to 3-D Print body parts, but we are also enhancing the limits of human ability far beyond physical norms. A superhuman physicality is at our fingertips.

(Image by rony michaud from Pixabay)

Using Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Our Cyber-Health

The ability for artificial intelligence and virtual reality to impact our cyber-health is at the same time a growing and ever-present opportunity and concern. Therefore, we should question and enable the adoption of these technologies into daily personal practice in order to enhance our own physical well-being.

How our medical records are engaged and maintained, how we deal with pain, and even how our food is produced is impacted by these technologies. Understanding them and applying them in our daily struggle can help us to enhance ourselves, our communities, and our broader environments as well.

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Companies Pushing the Limits of the Human Body

From changing the way we directly interact with our environment to how our individual health data is being utilized and examined, our lives our forever impacted by companies pushing the edge. Follow BCB Cyber as we continue to review the latest advances from these companies to fuel your own cyber-abilities.

(Image by Comfreak from Pixabay)

Reviews & Discussion

There can be no progress without head-on confrontation.”  -Christopher Hitchens

This is our spot to hash it out. Jump in and get the debate going….

(Image by Chang Zun Shi from Pixabay)

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