
Cyber-Wealth defines our individuality and sense of enhanced financial well-being by making money online with technology and using digital tools to manage and grow it. For if we can achieve the means for passive income, only then can we break our chains and define for ourselves who we want to be.

Financial freedom breaks us from the slavery of a forty-hour workweek and allows us to be the individual we always wanted to be. The time is now to get started. Join us on the journey.

“Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity.”

-Carlos Slim Helú, Mexican Business Magnate, Investor & Philanthropist

As Democracy becomes more and more, the tool of the elite and the corporate, the individual is downsized. It is time that the individual uses the corporate as a tool for its own empowerment. This site is not for those with $100k, $10k, or even $1k to drop on a stock at any given time. This site is our site. This site is for those of us working minimum wage, struggling under child support, credit card debt, or simply always watching our bank accounts struggle to stay above zero.

Defining Our Own Lives

Join our journey toward a future where we are not defined by our finances. Where we are not forced to swallow our identity to fit someone else’s scheme for wealth. Below is a story of how we might redefine our lowly financial lives with advanced technology to create the ultimate independence.

This is not an easy or quick path as many promise. This is NOT a promise of getting rich quick. It will take time, endurance, and willpower. But, it is possible by putting the leverage of technology and the market in our corner.

The best part is that we can each do it all on our own, with a little inspiration from our community. It’s time to make our money work for us; not the other way around. Each week, BCB Cyber sends out digital, cyber-fuel to help inspire, educate, and assist each one of us.

Many of our posts include inspiration in the form of tech product reviews, stock assessments, and tech company reviews helping us all toward our goals of cyber-fueled independence.

By following and joining our community, together we will learn to make the most of the advantages that technology has to offer. Better, yet we don’t have to spend copious amounts of time, money, or effort to do so. Building the community, and sharing what we learn will be the answer. Best of all its free. Together, we can make the journey more efficient and more rewarding.

Ok, so let’s answer the basics. Why is technology so important to our ability to have the wealth we need? Simple, because Technology drives economic growth, just ask Harvard. We see it every day. It is as human as death and taxes.

While there are highly complex mechanisms at work driving innovation, the key takeaway is simple. The focus on technology as it works its way through the business cycle not only impacts but disrupts industry after industry.

There is no doubt that technology is the ultimate bull in economic growth around the globe, not to mention human history. Just look at the largest market cap companies around the world today. What do you see? Technology.

So how can we ride this ragin’ bull and harness the tech tools necessary to empower our own financial lives? How can we redefine who we are? Together, we offer the following…

BCB Cyber Philosophy: Commitment + Tech = Wealth + Freedom

The answer lies in mixing technological firepower already changing the world, with our own willpower and commitment. By paying attention, paying ourselves first, hustling, doing our homework, and taking advantage of technological progress, we can forever change our lives. Or, better yet, create a world in which we don’t trade 50 years in our prime for a 10-year, elderly retirement that we are too old to enjoy!

No, we don’t need to be Elon Musk to do this, even though we do love Elon. However, there are aspects of our lives impacted by high level, disruptive tech that can be beneficial to us on this journey. Even the fictional ones.

Believe it or not, the science fiction genre of cyberpunk offers many clues into how this is possible. I know it sounds too far fetched to be helpful, but not so much as it seems. Reliance on the individual is at the core: hard-working people living low lives, mixed in dystopic systems at conflict with themselves, needing to take advantage of new technology at a minimum, just to get by. Sound familiar?

The near-future cyberpunk first offered in the 1980s is now. The world we live in has become chaotic, messy and fueled by technological disruption. And, moreover, what it means to be human is changing. This is not something to fear, however, it is something to be harnessed.

So hold on, what do we mean by disruption? New technologies are on one end of the spectrum, enhancing and changing forever the industries many people thought immutable. On the other, truly disruptive tech is completely destroying other industries. All this change means there is a tremendous opportunity. Now is the time.

If we aren’t convinced and we not willing to take the plunge on our own we soon may have no choice. Our jobs are disappearing as technology seeks to replace human labor. Ever hear of automated trucking? Or, do we remember the last time we chatted with an actual human being running our checkout at the grocery store?

Cyberpunk didn’t disappear, it became a reality. It moved from the pages of a William Gibson novel (#CommissionsEarned) to our everyday lives. So how do we overcome it? How do we stay afloat, or even dare we say, prosper?

The Way: Devotion, Action & Tech

While quick wealth exists, it is elusive. The goal is to build wealth using technology to free ourselves, not to get rich quick. To do this there are many tips out there built by many brilliant people like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Jim Cramer, Peter Lynch, Mark Cuban, and Robert Kiyosaki, just to name a few.

While we steal from some and borrow from others, our goal goes beyond the plan. We build on the ideas of these great minds with unique daily inspiration and community encouragement. We seek to offer a means by which we can entertain, educate, and inspire ourselves toward being stronger individuals despite the dystopia that lies just beyond our doorstep.

We don’t tell others what to do, we simply offer a guide and provide community-based inspiration for the individual. By following BCB Cyber, we build our understanding of the tech it takes to grow our wealth and redefine our lives. Join us below in the Poor Man’s Approach and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Reviews & Discussion

There can be no progress without head-on confrontation.”     -Christopher Hitchens

This is our spot to hash it out. Jump in and get the debate going….

(Image by Chang Zun Shi from Pixabay)

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